Wildfire Prevention is Everyones Responsibility

Prescott National Forest, 344 South Cortez Street, Prescott, AZ 86303     www.fs.usda.gov/prescott

For Immediate Release
June 26, 2014                                                     

Contact: Debbie Maneely

Wildfire Prevention is Everyones Responsibility

Prescott, AZ (June 26, 2014)  – With 4th of July celebrations beginning as early as this weekend, forest visitors are reminded that Stage II Fire Restrictions are in place on the Prescott National Forest.  In general, these restrictions prohibit campfires and smoking, chainsaws, welding, explosives, internal combustion engines without spark arrestors, fireworks and the discharging of a firearm.

We are in a critical time of fire prevention until we receive significant moisture and the responsibility lies with all of us to be careful with fire.    The low incidence of human-caused fires indicates that most forest visitors are complying with the current restrictions, but we continue to see shooting for target practice on the national forest.  Forest users are urged to continue complying with all fire restrictions and to contact their local ranger stations for more information.

If you witness and are certain of a fire restrictions violation, such as target practice with a firearm or an illegal campfire that poses an imminent threat, you are advised to call 911.  Remember, gas grills and gas fire places (fires that can be “turned off”) are still allowed under Stage II restrictions on the forest.  Please be certain you are witnessing a violation before you call it in.

As we continue to evaluate and monitor current conditions, fire prevention is our first line of defense.  We have brought in additional fire prevention patrols to supplement the Prescott National Forest patrols.  All are currently patrolling the forest on a daily basis with extended hours as long as extreme fire conditions exist.  We have other additional wildfire suppression resources on the forest as well.

“I would like to thank members of the Tri-City area and our forest visitors for continuing to be vigilant.  We want visitor’s to be able to safely enjoy their public lands, total forest closures are a last resort,” said Forest Supervisor Teresa Chase.

Violation of any fire restriction orders is punishable by a maximum $5,000.00 fine or 6 months imprisonment or both.


It only takes one spark to start a wildfire.   Chainsaws, dragging trailer safety chains, carelessly tossed cigarettes, fireworks, abandoned campfires, and discharge of firearms are all known causes of wildfire.  Wildfires impact recreation areas, may destroy homes, and threaten lives.

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